Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

asli gambar2 saya

aku tuh suka bgt sama yg namanya menggambar.
di paint,ak gambar banyaak bgt. orang lah, hewan2 lah. apa aja ak gambar
kadang2 ak edit2 dikit di photoscape, ak isiin balon2 dialog.. *jadi kaya komik gitu deh..*
bangga juga punya kmampuan kaya gituu. ihihihi..

gambar diatas ini ceritanya para peri2 yg lg nyante2, pada duduk2 diatas awan.. hahaha. ini gambar asli karya ak :)

nah, klo gambar ini.. critanya tuh cewek2 cakep lg pd pesta piyama gtu.. maen gebuk2an bantal+guling. abis ntuh pd poto.. hehehhe

nah klo gambar yg ini , mah.. g tau maksudnya ap? mungkin pas ak gambar ini, ak lg benci sama seseorang.. *tpi ak g tau sapa?* jiakakakak. tapi, gambarnya lumayang oke kan? ok, lah..

klau ini critanya yg tengah lg ulangtahun, trus tmen2nya ada yg kasih kado, ada yg kasih kue ultah.. trus si 'biru' ini dibikinin pesta kejutan sama tmen2nya.. :) *oiya.. yg pake baju coklat CANTIKK !!!* heheh...



kpn2 UPDATE lagi kok :)

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010


When i get older, they'll call me freedom
Just like a Waving Flag.

When I get older, I will be stronger,
They'll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag,
And then it goes back, and then it goes back,
And then it goes back

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
but Violent prone, poor people zone,
But it's my home, all I have known,
Where I got grown, streets we would roam.
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest,
Among the hardest survival.
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Except no defeat, surrender retreat,

So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we'll be free,
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day,
It's not far away, so for now we say


So many wars, settling scores,
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor,
I heard them say, love is the way,
Love is the answer, that's what they say,
But look how they treat us, Make us believers,
We fight their battles, then they deceive us,
Try to control us, they couldn't hold us,
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers.

But we struggling, fighting to eat,
And we wondering, when we'll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day,
It's not far away, but for now we say,

[Chorus] 2x

(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)

[Chorus] 2x

When I get older, when I get older
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag,
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag



You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
Get back in the saddle

You're on the front line
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We are getting closer
This isn't over

The pressure is on
You feel it
But you got it all
Believe it

When you fall get up, oh oh
If you fall get up, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Cuz this is Africa
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Listen to your God
This is our motto
Your time to shine
Don't wait in line
Y vamos por todo

People are raising
Their expectations
Go on and feed them
This is your moment
No hesitations

Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Beleive it

If you get down get up, oh oh
When you get down get up, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Abwela Majoni Biggie Biggie Mama One A To Zet
Ati CiCi LaMajoni Biggie Biggie Mama From East To West
Batsi . . . Waka Waka Ma Eh Eh Waka Waka Ma Eh Eh
San Wee See So Ma Zee Boo Ye

Voice: Tsamina mina, Anawa a a
Tsamina mina
Tsamina mina, Anawa a a

Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Django eh eh
Django eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a

Django eh eh
Django eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a

(2x) This time for Africa

(2x) We're all Africa



-bagi rapot
-prpisahan kls 9

kalo bagi rapot, pasti ada komunikasi antar guru dgn orangtua.. *hadooh.*
pasti bu sruni (wali kls ak) bakalan ngomong banyak tntang ak *PEDE MODE : ON*
pasti bakal ngomong kalo aku tuh:
> suka g baca almatsurah+sholat dhuha *buat ap coba?*
> bandel
> brisik
> rame
> males2an


g krasa ya, besok ak naek kls 8 *kalo naek..* tapi ak pasti naek !
kira2 ak dpt ranking brp ya? ap bakal turun, tetep ato naek?
ak brharap.. *brharap bgt!* ranking ak bisa naek! :) *NGAREP MODE : ON* iya klo g bisa naek, paling enggak tetep brtahan di pringkat 2 :(

abis bagi rapot, liburan panjaaaaang....... bgt, sodara-sodara!!! huft~
liburan panjang tapi g kmana2 . APA JADINYA?
pengennya sih jalan2 k kota tua, nonton bareng tmen2 aaaaahh ITU JUGA KALO DI IJININ PERGI2! tapi.. GUA MANA BOLEH ?

anak rumahan gini..


malangnye' nasib kitorang.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

pas pertandingan voli tadi....

14 juni 2010

pas pertandingan voli tadi....

gua, nisa, nabila, fauziah, nada n veren tanding voli sama kelas 8b.
ugh, udh tau gua tuh paling ga bisa maen voli *maap ye, kawan2. tadi saya gagal2 mulu mo service, passing. HADOH SEMUANYA GUA GAK BISA!!*

pokoknya gua mah, dlm ntuh olahraga, gua payah bgt dah.

udah gitu, kaga ada satupun anak 7ce yg ngedukung, nyemangatin, teriak2in di pinggir lapangan! heeeuh.. semua anak 7ce pada nyemangatin dari dlm kelas. hadoh, MANA SEMANGAT KITA NYA??!

harusnya anda2 semua nyemangatin kita dong, turun k lapangan *kpinggirannya maksud gua..*

mana matahari panas bt lagi.
beuh, bener2 muka+tangan gua serasa kebakar
pas gua buka sepatu..nginjek lantai.. *rasanya ademm bgt..*

dan akhir2an nya, 7ce pun kalah dlm prtandingan voli ini.
ugh, pokoknya PORSENI kali ini 7ce bener2 payah dahh !! kalaaah, dlm tiap lomba, blum ada yg menang, *kayaknya smua hadih bakalan 8b yg dapet..*

it's ok lah, no problem. kalah-menang itu biasa, ya kan?


istilah-istilah yg biasa digunakan dlm twitter..

ini ada beberapa istilah2 yg biasa digunakan dlm twitter (maaf, copas by gogle)

  • Retweet (RT). Mengulang tweet seseorang di Twitter, maksudnya biar orang yang membaca Tweet anda, tahu darimana sumber Tweet yang sebenarnya.
  • Mistweet. Kesalahan mengirim Tweet. Tanpa sengaja mengirim Tweet pada follower.
  • Tweeple. User Pengguna Twitter
  • Tweeps. Teman-teman anda selain di Twitter juga di Jejaring sosial lainya, misal Facebook, Friendster atau MySpace
  • Twaiting. Tweet yang dikirim saat sedang menunggu seseorang atau sesuatu, misal saat sedang menunggu pesawat di airport.
  • Twalking. Tweet yang dikirim saat anda sedang jalan-jalan.
  • Dweet. Sebuah tweet (update) yang dikirim dalam keadaan “mabuk”, Dweet kemungkinan besar akan menjadi semacam Mistweet.
  • Twebay. Jualan di Twitter.
  • Tweetheart. Kekasih hati di Twitter.
  • Twis. Sikap kurang menghormati seseorang di Twitter
  • Hashtag. Tweet tentang topik yang spesifik, misal kalau anda dan kawan-kawan sedang membicarakan tentang Malang, maka didepan tweet diberi tag #Malang sehingga pembicaraan akan terus terfokus pada masalah Malang.
  • Microblog. Twitter adalah kegiatan nge-Blog namun dalam karakter terbatas yakni 140 karakter, itulah kenapa Twitter disebut microblog
  • Nudge. Sebuah sinyal/pemberitahuan pada seseorang di Twitter untuk mengupdate status terakhir -
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  • Tweet. Pesan yang dikirim lewat Twitter.
  • Tweet Back. Membicarakan kembali Tweet yang sudah lama.
  • Tweeter. Orang yang mengirim Tweet
  • Twitosphere. Komunitar Tweeter
  • Twitpocalypse. Sebuah topik atau moment di Twitter yang membuat Twitter Client mengalami crash.
  • Twapplications. Aplikasi untuk mengakses Twitter.
  • Twead. Membaca Tweet di Twitter
  • Twittastic. Twitter fantastic.
  • Twittercal mass. Sebuah reaksi besar-besarnya atas sebuah topik di Twitter, seperti yang menimpa terhadap salah seorang artis cantik di Indonesia.
  • Twitterphobe. Orang yang takut bergabung dengan Twitter
  • Twitterphoria. Rasa senang saat seseorang yang anda follow, akhirnya menjadi Follower anda.
  • Twitterstream. Twitter timeline.
  • Twittertude. Sebuah sikap buruk di Twitter
  • Twitticisms. Sebuah Tweet yang lucu.

    sumber nya disini

  • Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

    nih, cara ngiket tali sepatu yg oke2..

    disini, ada yg suka make sepatu bertali? pasti ada doong. ada gak? ada kan?

    kebetulan, gua juga suka pake sepatu bertali *rasanya gimanna getoo..*
    nah, gua nemu nih, macem2 model iketan tali sepatu yg wokeh2!

    check this out!

    1. LADDER

    2. ZIPPER


    4. LOOP BACK



    7. FOOTBAG

    8. DISPLAY

    9. HASH

    10. TWISTIE


    12. RIDING BOW


    14. LATTICE

    segitu aja dh.
    keren+oke+bagus+lucu+imut+*sgala macem yg bagus2* kan???
    ya kan?
    gua aja pengen bgt nyoba2 iket tali sepatu kayak gitu?

    oke? pada coba deh, GAK BAKAL NYESEL kok ! :)

    oiya! sebenernya gua copas nih dari -KASKUS-


    rencana aku mo bikin blog buat klas kita, sist

    aku mo minta saran nih, *pasti ga bakal ada yg baca + comment postingan ku ini deh. his..hiks..*

    aku kan sekolah di smp alfityan tangerang nih, sekarang aku duduk di kelas 7. nah, di alfityan tangerang itu ada 3 kelas 7. (7a,7b,7c) aku nih di kelas 7c, 7c itu satu2 nya kelas 7 yg cewe, (7a&7b itu kelas cowokk..)
    nnah, 7c itu ketua kelasnya RORO MAYA RIZKITA SABRINA. panggil aja RORO (hehehe) *ah, udh, jgn bhas dia.. ga penting.* PEACE !! :)

    nah,aku nih, kepikiran biar kelas 7c bikin blog sendiri. naah, itu kan pasti lebih serru !! trus 7c tuh jadi makin terkenal di mancanegara! *ngarep mode:on*
    gimana ya? pada mau ga 7c bikin blog? kan jadi kliatan anak gaool getoo :najis:

    klo aku sih, ga keberatan klo di amanahin *asik dah bhs.nya, AMANAH getoo* buat ngurusin blog kesayangan 7c *yg ampe saat ini blom dibikin..*

    pada mau ya? gakpapa deh, aku yg ngurusin blognya? ya? ya?
    lgian kan diantara 18 orang anak di 7c, kan aku yg paling sering ngurus blog, blog aku yg paling keren, bagus, menarik, tapi agak gaje ini.. yakan? mau ya?

    nanti di blog 7c, aku bakal posting2 sgala macem tentang kita deh.. atauu.. kita bisa curhat di blog itu. tiap hari. klo ada kejadian yg menarik, seru, dan kjadian2 laen yg ga bisa untuk dilupakan.
    kuta juga bisa share tentang plajaran2 yg susah2 bagi kita, *asal kita jgn ngomongin guru aje. llah..*
    trus klo di sekolah ada kegiatan2 atau acara2 juga kita bisa omongin disini. biar blog kita ini keliatan ramee, and menarik. jadi gak monoton geto dah. postingannya juga jgn tiap hari mosting, klo bukan kjadian seru, iya gausah mosting hati itu.
    lebay bgt klo tiap hari mosting, pdhal kga ada apa2 (ga ada kjadian2 seru) itu mah ALAY pisan~ :najis:

    kan manfaat blog tuh, bikin kita makiin eksis gimanna gituuh.
    trus biar orang2 pd kenal kita.
    pokoknya maah, blog itu bagus dah! *menurut sayaa..*

    sekarang, yg perlu dibahas adalah, apa nama blog nya?
    ada beberapa pilihan..

    sampe sekarang aku baru kepikiran TUJUHCHE namanya.(tpi kan ga mungkin TUJUHCHE. karna kita kan mau naek kelas jadi DELAPANCHE. ih, ga enak bgt dah kedengerannya.. ><)

    trus apa dong?

    ada yg punya saran kah? please, saran sangat dibutuhkan saaat ini, klo ga ada saran,USUL aja deh *sama aj, yakk?* ada gak? ini demi KELAS KITA ! :)

    atau gak, namanya STELLAR'S *kayak dulu lo* tapi... ah, gimanna ya? risih juga sih ya? aku maunya namanya yg mudah diinget orang. *buat ap coba?*

    pokoknya namanya harus ada "C" nya, biar jelas, kita itu kelas C angkatan 3 di alfityan tengerang!! :)
    jgn pake angka2 dah,apaan kek. soalnya klo angka, kan suatu saat nanti *PASTI* kita bakal naek kelas.. jadi kelas 8, 9 dan seterusnya.

    apa dong namanya?


    heeeuh... ribet sangat. pdhal cuma mikirin nama blog doang ><
    udah ah,

    FAVORITE GIRL (justin bieber)

    Ah ah ah ah
    Ah ah ah ah
    Ah ah ah oh
    Ah ah ah ah

    I always knew you were the best
    the coolest girl I know
    so prettier than all the rest
    the star of my show
    so many times I wished
    you'd be the one for me
    but never knew you'd get like this
    girl what you do to me

    you're who I'm thinkin of
    girl you ain't my runner up
    and no matter what you're always number one

    my prize posession
    one and only
    adore ya girl i want ya
    the one I cant live without
    that's you that's you

    you're my special little lady
    the one that makes me crazy
    of all the girls I've ever known
    it's you, it's you
    my favorite, my favorite
    my favorite, my favorite girl
    my favorite girl

    you're used to goin out'your way
    to impress these mr. wrongs
    but you can be yourself with me
    I'll take you as you are
    I know they said believe in love
    it's a dream that cant be real
    so girl let's write a fairytale
    and show 'um how we feel

    you're who I'm thinkin of
    girl you aint my runner up
    and no matter what you're always number one

    my prize posession
    one and only
    adore ya girl I want ya
    the one I cant live without
    that's you that's you

    you're my special little lady
    the one that makes me crazy
    of all the girls ive ever known
    it's you, it's you
    my favorite, my favorite
    my favorite, my favorite girl
    my favorite girl
    baby it's you
    my favorite, my favorite
    my favorite, my favorite girl
    my favorite girl

    you take my breath away
    with everything you say
    i just wanna be with you
    my baby my baby oh
    my miss dont play no games
    treat you no other way
    than you deserve cuz you're the girl of my dreams

    my prize posession
    one and only
    adore ya girl I want ya
    the one I cant live without
    that's you that's you

    you're my special little lady
    the one that makes me crazy
    of all the girls I've ever known
    it's you, it's you

    my prize posession
    one and only
    adore ya girl I want ya
    the one I cant live without
    that's you that's you

    you're my special little lady
    the one that makes me crazy
    of all the girls ive ever known
    it's you, it's you
    my favorite, my favorite
    my favorite, my favorite girl
    my favorite girl
    my favorite, my favorite
    my favorite, my favorite girl
    my favorite girl


    bieberfact 100: justin used to fear thunderstorms.
    bieberfact 99: justin kissed the window from the inside after a fan kissed it from the outside.
    bieberfact 98: justin likes mango smoothies.
    bieberfact 97: justin puts on an act sometimes when he really wants something.
    bieberfact 96: justin doesnt drink a lot of water. he prefers vitamin water.
    bieberfact 95: justin bites his lip when he meets a girl he likes.
    bieberfact 94: pattie had justin as a teenager, and her and jeremy split when justin was very young.
    bieberfact 93: justin was born a week earlier than he was due.
    bieberfact 92: a fan gave justin a dog tag necklace which is a reminder of someone who died in their family, so justin wears it.
    bieberfact 91: justin wears a cross necklace
    bieberfact 90: last year, justin got an F and changed it to a B so he woldnt get in trouble.
    bieberfact 89: when justin appeared on SNL, he was trying so hard to laugh, but he managed not to
    bieberfact 88: in a magazine it says what's keeping justin up late nowadays is that he is worrying about the safety of his fans
    bieberfact 88: justin loves chuck norris. he even has a book all about him.
    bieberfact 86: justin is terrified of spiders
    bieberfact85: justin toured with taylor swift in te UK
    bieberfact84: in school, justin was named the class clown
    bieberfact 83: justins favorite song is bicycling with the devil by the scissor sisters.
    bieberfact 82: justin thinks its cool when you show that you love your mom.
    bieberfact 81: justin said if you love animals, thats a plus
    bieberfact 80: when rhianna kissed justin, he said he didnt wash his face.
    bieberfact 79: when justin gets nervous he flips his hair.
    bieberfact 78: justins grandmother was a great piano player.
    bieberfact 77: justin said he would not take a girl out to an italian restaurant again because he accidentally spilled spaghetti on her.
    bieberfact 76: justin is about 5'4 - 5'5.
    bieberfact 76: his shoe size is 7 and a half.
    bieberfact 75: justin likes tacos
    bieberfact 74: justin raised 150,000 lbs of food for food bank, and his fans helped too.
    bieberfact 73: justins favorite artist is Michael Jackson, and he also likes boyz II men.
    bieberfact 72: justin has a tutor that travels with him
    bieberfact 71: justin looks for a sense of humor, nice eyes, and a nice smile in a girl. he also likes when your just yourself
    bieberfact 70: justin taught himself how to play piano and guitar by watching tutorials on youtube.
    bieberfact 69: justins quote: "im single and ready to mingle" and he likes to give shoutouts to his beautiful ladies all over the world.
    bieberfact 68: justin wrote "Down to Earth" about his parents divorce. he also wrote it so kids going through divorce can relate to it.
    bieberfact 67: justin has a half sister and a half brother.
    bieberfact 66: justin has a room at his grandparents since he mostly lived there because him mom worked most of the time.
    bieberfact 65: justin sings OLLG to one very lucky girl on stage and brings out a bouquet of OLLG roses at almost every concert.
    bieberfact 64: justin has recorded ONE TIME and ONE LESS LONELY GIRL in french versions
    bieberfact 63: justin wasn't allowed to date until he was 16, but he had his first kiss at 13.
    bieberfact 62: justin's favorite video game is mario kart racing.
    bieberfact 61: justin can solve a rubix cube in less than a minute.
    bieberfact 60: he apparently wrote "never let you go" for caitlin beadles because they broke up for when justin started traveling a lot.
    bieberfact 59: justin came in 2nd place when he performed in a singing competition is his hometown
    bieberfact 58: justin wants to be Chuck Norris for halloween.
    bieberfact 57: justin stopped and gave a fan a hug when he saw her walking down the street because she was wearing a bieber shirt
    bieberfact 56: while performing for the President, he took his boot off for hisfoot. he got in trouble after by his mom and the doctor
    bieberfact 55: he tripped opening up for taylor swift, and that is how he broke his foot.
    bieberfact 54: he loves when his fans are happy, doesnt like it when they're upset.
    bieberfact 53: justin has never been in love, but he said he has loved girls, but more of a puppy love.
    bieberfact 52: justin doesnt like when fans kiss him. he likes hugs.
    bieberfact 51: justin is shy at first, but a few minutes later he is out-going and funny. he likes girls like that too!
    bieberfact 50: justin's favorite cereal is captin crunch.
    bieberfact 49: justin once snuck out with his friends to meet up with girls. the police brought him home and justin got grounded for weeks.
    bieberfact 48: justin is always on twitter, but sometimes he just sees what we tweet without him tweeting.
    bieberfact 47: justin speaks fluent french and knows how to count to 10 in german.
    bieberfact 46: if you make him laugh, and just be yourself, he'll see the real you and not someone trying to impress him.
    bieberfact 45: justin blushes when he sees a cute girl smile.
    bieberfact 44: justin's bestfriends names are ryan and chaz. he's also pretty close with christian beadles.
    bieberfact 43: usher and justin timberlake both wanted to sign justin, but he went with usher.
    bieberfact 42: justin would like to act
    bieberfact 41: justin's mother sometimes cries before justin goes to public places because shes afraid he will get hurt.
    bieberfact 40: justin prefers Mac over PC
    bieberfact 39: he loves to reply/RT/follow/DM his fans to remind them how special they are
    bieberfact 38: justin said if a girl is comfortable in uggs, even though he hates them, then that's all that matters.
    bieberfact 37: his favorite type of pie is apple pie
    bieberfact 36: his song "one time" wasn't written for a specific girl, it was written to all girls.
    bieberfact 35: justin's dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
    bieberfact 34: justin lives in atlanta, georgia. but justin said he pretty much lives out of a suitcase.
    bieberfact 33: his favorite girl sport is volleyball
    bieberfact 32: justin's favorite TV show is smallville
    bieberfact 31: his birthday is march 1st
    bieberfact 30: justin raised enough money from performing on the streets (before he was famous) to take his mom on a trip to Florida.
    bieberfact 29: justin wants to buy his mom a house in Canada once he gets a million dollars.
    bieberfact 28: justin's favorite color to wear is purple
    # #bieberfact 27: justin cant be seriously dating because he said he wont be able to give that girl what she deserves.
    bieberfact 26: he thinks girls are beautiful WITHOUT make-up.
    bieberfact 25: favorite youtube video- Scarlett Takes a Tumble
    bieberfact 24: favorite vacay spot: the Bahamas
    bieberfact 23: justin never had singing lessons.
    bieberfact 22: justin used to do soccer, track, and hockey.
    bieberfact 21: justins favorite sport is hockey
    bieberfact 20: you'll know if justin likes you if he keeps his eyes locked onto you.
    bieberfact 19: justins favorite words to call a girl are 'shawty' and 'baby'
    bieberfact 18: justins favorite color is blue
    bieberfact 17: his favorite candy are sour patch kids (watermelon)
    bieberfact 16: justin brushes his teeth in the shower
    bieberfact 15: his favorite type of vitamin water is purple
    bieberfact 14: Justin broke up with a girl over the phone and she cried.
    bieberfact 13: justin's favorite movie is Rocky
    bieberfact 12: he is a lefty
    bieberfact 11: his GPA is a 4.0 (A student)
    bieberfact 10: he DOESNT wear hairspray.
    bieberfact 9: justin smells his pizza before eating it.
    bieberfact 8: justin's favorite romantic movie is 'A Walk to Remember'
    bieberfact 7: justin's cousin locked him inside a box at age 7 while playing hide and seek, thats why he is claustrophobic now.
    bieberfact 6: justin's afraid of elevators
    bieberfact 5: justin's favorite shoe brand are Supra's.
    bieberfact 4: his dog's name is Sammy
    bieberfact 3: he's been crushing on beyonce since he was 8 years old.
    bieberfact 2: his most embarrassing moment was when he wore a white shirt on a date and spilled spaghetti on his shirt.
    bieberfact 1: he started to play drums at age 2.
    Welcome Myspace Comments

    eenie meenie (justin bieber ft. sean kingston)

    (Sean Kingston)
    Eenie meenie miney mo
    Catch a bad chick by her toe
    If she holla’ (if, if, if she holla) let her go

    Shes indecisive
    She can’t decide
    She keeps on lookin’
    From left to right

    Girl, c’mon get closer
    Look in my eyes
    Searchin’ is so wrong
    I’m Mr. Right

    You seem like the type
    To love em’ and leave em’
    And disappear right after this song.
    So give me the night
    To show you, hold you
    Don’t leave me out here dancin’ alone

    You can’t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
    Please don’t waste my time, time, time, time, time
    I’m not tryin’ to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
    I wish our hearts could come together as one

    Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’

    [Justin Bieber]
    Let me show you what your missin’
    With me you’re winning girl
    You don’t have to roll the dice
    Tell me what you’re really here for
    Them other guys?
    I can see right through ya’

    You seem like the type
    To love em’ and leave em’
    And disappear right after the song.
    So give me the night
    To show you, hold you
    Don’t leave me out here dancin’ alone

    Can’t make up your mind
    Please don’t waste my time
    Not tryin’ to rewind
    I wish our hearts could come together as one

    Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’

    [Sean Kingston]
    Eenie meenie miney moe
    Catch a bad chick by her toe
    If she holla’ (if, if, if she holla) let her go
    Eenie meenie miney moe
    Catch a bad chick by her toe
    If she holla’ (if, if, if she holla) let her go

    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’
    Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova’

    Can’t make up your mind
    Please don’t waste my time
    Not tryin’ to rewind
    I wish our hearts could come together as one

    Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

    justin bieber -one less lonely girl-

    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    How many I told you's
    And start overs and shoulders
    Have you cried on before
    How many promises be honest girl
    How many tears you let hit the floor
    How many bags you packed
    Just to take 'em back, tell me that
    How many either or's
    But no more,
    If you let me inside of your world
    There'd be one less lonely girl
    Oh no
    I saw so many pretty faces
    Before I saw you, you
    Now all I see is you
    Oh no
    Don't need these other pretty faces
    'Cause when your mine in the world
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    I'm gonna put you first
    I'll show you what your worth
    If you let me inside your world
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    Christmas wasn't merry, 14th of February
    Not one of them spent with you
    How many dinner dates, set dinner plates
    And he didn't even touch his food
    How many torn photographs are you taping back
    Tell me that you couldn't see an open door
    But no more,
    If you let me inside of your world
    Oh no
    I saw so many pretty faces
    Before I saw you, you
    Now all I see is you
    Oh no
    Don't need these other pretty faces
    'Cause when your mine in the world
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    I'm gonna put you first
    I'll show you what your worth
    If you let me inside your world
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    I can fix up your broken heart
    I can give you a brand new start
    I can make you believe,
    I just wanna set one girl free to fall
    She's free to fall
    With me
    My hearts locked and nowhere to get the key
    I'l take her and leave this world
    With one less lonely girl
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl
    There's gonna be one less lonely girl
    One less lonely girl

    Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

    heran dah..



    pembaca semuanya,
    apa ada prtanyaan dgn blog saya?
    kok,aku rasa nih blog sepi sekalii. gaje bgt nih blog, postingan gaje! arah pmbicaraannya mo kmana tau dah(kaya postingan yg satu ini nihh..) trus followers gua dikit bgt dah! trus blognya ga semenarik blog2 laen (yg keren2, yg buagus2..)

    huks..hiks.. huaa.. huaa..

    jadi ngerasa gimana2 gtu sama blog kesayangan gua ini..

    smua postingan nih, aseli bikinan saya sndiri *walopun ada yg gara2 trinspirasi dgn blog2 laen*
    ahhh, gua pengennya jadi trendsetters !!! *ngarep mode : on*

    ak rasa, ak blom pinter2 amat soal komputer. huhufftt~
    nilai TIK ajaaa..
    hadoeeh, jgn ditanya dah.. *jelek sih.. GA JELEK2 AMAT!cuma.. gua maunya dapet nilai trtinggi..*
    hado, capedeh.. *gimana mo dpt nilai tinggi? orang bljr TIK nya males2an, klo bljr di bukannya merhatiin guru, eeh malah internetan*

    dasar, TSABITA!

    tuh kan, tukaan, ko jadi ngomongin ginian? tadi topik prtama nya kn ngomongin tntang BLOG AKUH?
    alaah, bener2 GAJE nih postingan ! udh gaje, sepi pulla ! ><

    coba liat, di semua postingan ga ada yg dikomentarinn !!aiiih, parah ya kalian semua!

    *ngapain curhat disiniu? emng bakal ada yg mampir2 di blog saya?*
    *kayaknya gua malang bgt siiih...*

    tak ape llah, biar saya curhat disini. sndirian. kaya orang gaje *emang*

    yg pnting aku ttep sayang sama blog ku yg GAJE ini!!

    muach... :)